Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Tommorow is a big day

well, its been a long long time since my last posts. Many things happened, shit they come they go, little storm and giant one, so many peoples pass me by, some are staying and many are leaving, some left beautiful memories some left troubles.

i never thru this kind of giant storm before, and i think its funny how god punish all of my brothers in a same different way (got what i mean? life is a big bad joke)
anyway.........tommorow is my big day, it is the day when im become twenty one. and honestly i dont feel so good about it, i really dont care about it anyway. its like an evil visitor, a wrong man in the wrong place and wrong time but we accept him anyway.

speakin of storm, i'll tell you one thing : this is not a story this is reality. where theres always good cops bad cops around us, arrest peoples and harm our comfort zonas. fuck it !! we never harm anyone, we never harm you damn cops ! so why you give a fuck about what we do ? what do you want ? money ? we dont have any !
all we have is our brotherhood, we got aint no bullet to shoot and how dare you tryin to take that from us ?
you selfish evil i hope your son your wife your daughter burn in hell for this cause.
we curse anything you eat anything you buy anything you do from our money. so i made those account on the twitter, so i could try to justify the way you treated us. FUCK IT! im done.

Dear GOD, tommorow is my biggie day. And i have ONE wish, please protect peoples i love. amen